Wednesday 21 December 2011

A Gringo in Belo Horizonte

Two days ago, the title of my blog became a reality.  I finally arrived in Brazil, and despite some difficulties, I made it to Belo Horizonte.  My parents drove me from Raymond at about 7 in the morning - my first flight was supposed to leave at 1:15pm, but it ended up being closer to 2:30.  The next flight, from Toronto to Sao Paulo - it also ended up being late - we arrived about 40 minutes late - and with a 90 minute layover, that just was not enough.  I'm very lucky that I have a very good friend here in Brazil - she helped me calm down, and waited at the Belo Horizonte airport - she ended up waiting at least 6 hours!

Now that I am here, I am starting to like the place, but I feel very much like a lost child.  The city is huge compared to what I am used to, and VERY busy.  My Portuguese definitely needs much work too.  However, I am currently staying with a lady who is a member of the LDS church - and she speaks very little English, but is very friendly, so I will get a lot of practice.  I am also very lucky - she works at a Brazilian barbecue restaurant, so I have gotten to eat some very good food.

My friend has taken me shopping a couple of times, and has been good enough to cook for me, so I definitely am very lucky - I'm very well taken care of right now (so Mom, quit worrying).  Right now, I am letting my body catch up.  The trip here was very demanding - I had a lot of heavy luggage, and had to do a lot more running around the airport than was expected, so my body is demanding I compensate it with lots of rest.  Soon however, I want to take some time, and do some walking around the neighbourhood, so I can get used to it.

The weather here is definitely much different.  It was raining quite a bit when I arrived, but the rain here is not at all like it is back in Alberta.  The rain was very warm and muggy.  Even now that it is sunny, the humidity is far beyond what I'm used to.  A word to any potential visitors - bring lots of short sleeved shirts!  And plan on staying at least a week to make the airport experience worth it!

The food.  I haven't had very much yet, but I had my first fresh mango, and fresh passion fruit!  I also found something every bit as good as Guarana Antartica... Mate Couro!

Anyhow, I'm off to relax!  Ate mais!

Sunday 4 December 2011

Musicas... de novo! Que surpresa!

Sei que eu ja disse que nao vou escrever mais sobre musicas, mas mudei minha mente.  Hoje a noite, gostaria escrever sobre musicas mais velhas do que eu.  Gosto muito de "rock" moderno e um pouco de "heavy metal" mas gosto de musicas quem influenciou as musicas mais modernas... e musicas mais calmas tambem.

A primeira musica e You Better Run por os Young Rascals - e uma musica dos anos 60's:

A segunda musica e por os Monkees.  Nao sei quantas musicas dos anos 60's chegaram no Brasil, mas com certeza, acho que os Monkees devem ter.  Entao, Listen to the Band: (tem uma traducao

Gosto do guitar nestas musicas.  Acho que estas bandas influneciaram as musicas de rock hoje.

Gosto muito de um cantor, Jim Croce. E horivel que ele morreu bem jovem.  A maioria das musicas deles sao mais calmas.  Ele teve muito talento, e um voz bem lindo.  Aqui, a sua musica - Operator (a traducao:

Gosto algumas musicas de um outro cara com um voz bonito.  O John Denver teve um voz muito bom, mas infelizmente, ele morreu cedo demais tambem.  Aqui esta uma musica com uma traducao.

Agora, acho que precisamos de uma musica mais barulhento.  Voces sabem o Iron Butterfly?  Ele era a primeira banda de heavy metal.  Esta musica e In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.  Deve ser "In the Garden of Eden" (no jardim do Eden) mas por causa de alcool, e este nome.  O escritor tentou dizer o nome, mas ele esta bebado, e os outros ouvi "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" e o nome ficou.

Quero colocor aqui uma musica mais nova.  Alguem conhece a banda The Cars?  Esta musica e Tonight She Comes.

A maioria destas musicas sao mais velhas do que eu, mas cresci escutando estas musicas.  Tambem, eles influenciam as musicas de hoje.  Devo esuctar musicas com mais frequencia, estou mais feliz quando eu faco isso.

Obrigado por ler meu blog de novo.  A proxima vez, prometo que vou escrever sobre alguma coisa diferente!